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TO BE- Present-Simple

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Choose the correct term: Our school (is/are) IES Teulada.
Our school is IES Teulada.
Choose the correct term: You (is/are) my best friend.
You are my best friend.
Choose the correct term: There (is/are) juice in the fridge.
There is juice in the fridge.
Choose the correct term: There (is/are) more than 100 people in the hallway.
There are more than 100 people in the hallway.
Choose the correct term: My parents (is/are) office workers.
My parents are office workers.
Choose the correct term: There (is/are) an orange on the table.
There is an orange on the table.
Complete the sentence (negative): The dog __ scared.
The dog is not scared.
Correct the mistakes: Laura's parents __ always busy. Sometimes they __ not home until 7pm. Laura __a good girl. When her parents __ at work, she does her homework on her own.
Laura's parents is always busy. Sometimes they are not home until 7pm. Laura are a good girl. When her parents is at work, she does her homework on her own.
Completes the sentences: I have an older sister named Maria. Maria __ hardworking but I __ lazy. Maria's hobby __ reading while my hobby __ playing sports.
I have an older sister named Maria. Maria is hardworking but I am lazy. Maria's hobby is reading while my hobby is playing sports.
Complete the sentences: Jose and I __ classmates. We __ in the same class. Jose __ good at Math while I __ good at English.
Jose and I are classmates. We are in the same class. Jose is good at Math while I am good at English.
Complete the sentence: They _ friends.
They are friends.
Complete the sentence: We _ students.
We are students.
Translate to english: Eres
You are
Translate to english: Soy/estoy
I am
Translate to english: Ser
To be
Complete the sentence: I _ from Spain.
I am from Spain.
Complete the sentence: Susan and Sarah _ my friends.
Susan and Sarah are my friends.
Complete the sentence: Where _ my dictionary?
Where is my dictionary?
Complete the sentence: We __ at school.
We are at school.
Complete the sentence: Jade __ American.
Jade is American.
I _ , He/She _ , You _ , They_ , We _ , It _ , This _ , That _
I am , He/She is , You are , They are , We are , It is , This is , That is