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Causatives (Have and Get)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She will send the money. (have)
She will have the money sent.
I dyed my hair. (get)
I got my hair dyed.
I built the shed. (get)
I got the shed built.
We will repair the roof. (get)
We will get the roof repaired.
I have typed the report. (have)
I have had the report typed.
They have delivered the furniture. (have)
They have had the furniture delivered.
I have made the necklace. (get)
I have got the necklace made.
He will print the photo. (have)
He will have the photo printed.
She checked her teeth. (get)
She got her teeth checked.
He cleaned the windows. (have)
I had the windows cleaned.
We will clean the carpets. (get)
We will get the carpets cleaned.
I edited the article. (have)
I had the article edited.
You tidied my garden. (get)
You got the garden tidied.
You will repair the fridge. (have)
You will have the fridge repaired.
I painted my bedroom. (get)
I got my bedroom painted.
He has cut the grass. (have)
He has had the grass cut.
She has fixed the washing machine. (get)
She has gotten the washing machine fixed.
They will type the documents (have)
They will have the documents typed.
I cut my hair. (get)
I got my hair cut.
He will wash his car. (have)
He will have his car washed.