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CNA Kids 3 Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do you say in english: Fica entre a loja de brinquedos e o café.
It's between the toy store and the coffe shop.
How do you say in english: Pegue a escada rolante e vire à esquerda.
Take the escalator and turn left.
Complete: ______ plastic forks are there?
How many
Complete: Excuse me, ______ is the parking lot?
Complete: __________ to the coffee shop?
How can I get...
Complete: __________ to the bakery?
How can I get...
What is it?
Take the elevator
What is it?
Take the escalator
What is it?
Turn right
What is it?
Go straight
What are these?
Plastic fork, plastic spoon and plastic knife
The backpack is ______ the pillow. (Atrás)
What is it?
It's a pillow.
What is it?
It's a thermos.
What is it?
It's a tent.
What shapes are these?
Circle, square and triangle
How much is 3x15?
3x15 equals 45
How much is 40/2?
40/2 equals 20.
How much is 80-20?
80-20 equals 60.
How much is 25+25?
25+25 equals 50
What are these?
Action figures
What are these?
Do you have a collection?
yes, I collect stuffed animals.
The movie theater is ______ the school and the museum. (Entre)
The supermarket is ______ the subway station. (Em frente)
In front of
The bank is ______ the park. (Do outro lado da rua)
Across from
The bakery is ______ the gas station. (ao lado)
Next to
What is it?
It's a bank
What is it?
It's a gas station
what is it?
It's a hospital
What is it?
It's a drugstore