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Ericaceae & Windy Woodies

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differentiate quercus and notholithocurpus:
notho: bracts recurved/ insect pollinated/ erect catkin. quercus: involucre is smooth /wind/pendant catkin
distinguish Salix from populus
salix: has a single bud scale, is insect pollinjated, has a round a round petiole. . Populus has multiple budscales/ wind / trangle lf/ flat petiole
Order, family, genus, and defining characteristic(s)?
Malpighiales, Salicaceae, Salix // Round petiole, elongate leaf, insect pollinated, single leaf bud scale
Order, family, genus, and defining characteristic(s)?
Malpighiales, Salicaceae, Populus // Flat petiole, triangular leaf, wind pollinated, multiple bud scales
Order, family, genus, and defining characteristic(s)?
Fagales, Fagaceae, Notholithocarpous // Tan oak, bracts recurved, pollinated by insects, erect catkin, elliptical leaves
Order, family, genus, and defining characteristic(s)?
Fagales, Fagaceae, Quercus // Oaks, variable leaves, smooth involucre, wind pollinated, pendant catkin
Order, family, genus, and defining characteristic(s)?
Fagales, Betulaceae, Betula // Papery catkin with non-persistent bracts
Order, family, genus, and defining characteristic(s)?
Fagales, Betulaceae, Alnus // Woody catkin with persistent bracts
Salicaceae characteristics and genera?
Dioecious trees, capsule with hairy seeds, and bud scales // Populus & Salix
Fagaceae characteristics and genera?
Oaks, monoecious trees, nut with involucre, solitary pistillate flowers // Quercus & Notholithocarpous
Betulaceae characteristics and genera?
Monoecious trees, double serrate margin, small winged nut // Alnus & Betula
Fagales Characteristics?
Trees, alternate simple leaves, pinnate venation, unisexual flowers, catkin inflorescence
Family and Genus?
Ericaceae, Vaccinium (Huckleberry)
Family and Genus?
Ericaceae, Rhododendron (Rhododendron/Azalea)
Family and Genus?
Ericaceae, Gaultheria (Salal)
Family and Genus?
Ericaceae, Arctostapyhlos (Manzanita)
Family and species?
Ericaceae, Arbutus menziesii (Madrone)
Habit, leaf size, ovary position, fruit type, and flower shape for Vaccinium?
Woody shrub, small, inferior, berry, urceolate corolla
Habit, leaf size, ovary position, fruit type, and flower shape for Rhododendron?
Woody shrub, small to large, superior, capsule, bell shaped corolla
Habit, leaf size, ovary position, fruit type, and flower shape for Gaultheria?
Woody shrub, medium, superior, capsule (ecological berry), urceolate corolla
Habit, leaf size, ovary position, fruit type, and flower shape for Arctostapyhlos?
Woody shrub, small to medium, superior, drupe, urceolate corolla
Habit, leaf size, ovary position, fruit type, and flower shape for Arbutus menziesii?
Woody tree, large, superior, warted berry, urceolate corolla
What are the two corolla types and which genus is the only one with one type?
Urceolate & bell shaped corollas, Rhododendron is only required taxon with bell shaped flower
What are the two corolla types and which genus is the only one with one type?
Urceolate & bell shaped corollas, Rhododendron is only required taxon with bell shaped flower
Ericaceae Floral formula?
*, 5, 5 (connation), 10 (adnation), 5 (syncarpous)
Within "windy woodies" there are: 2 orders, 3 families, and 6 genera , what are they?
O: Fagales: Betulaceae (Alnus, Betula) & Fagaceae (Notholithocarpus, Quercus).... O: Malpighiales: Saliaceae (Populus, Salix)
Ericaceae characteristics?
Woody evergreen plants, alternate simple coriaceous leaves, inverted anthers with poricidal dehiscence (pollinator must shake flower)