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A Mountain of History

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why are Native Americans honored at Mount Rushmore? And what do you think it means to honor someone?
They were honored because the area was a special place for them for thousands of years. To honor someone means to show your respect and admiration
How much did it cost to build Mount Rushmore?
Almost one million dollars!
If they were going to add another person to Mount Rushmore, do you think it would be a first lady, a vice-president, a baseball player, or another president?
they would add another president, because.....
which of these presidents is not honored on Mount Rushmore? a) George Washington b) Benjamin Franklin c) Thomas Jefferson d) Abraham Lincoln
b) Benjamin Franklin
If something is described as national, it means it belongs to the whole country, true or false?
Why do people build monuments?
to honor a person or event.
In the story the word traces means a) signs of some past thing b) course made for racing c) paths that cut through a forest d) symbols that are written or printed
a) signs of some past thing
Which word means almost the same as carved? a) cut b) developed c) matched d) tapped
the answer is a) cut
Use the word landmark in a sentence
Use the word gazed in a sentence
Use the word monument in a sentence
Use the word national in a sentence
Use the word traces in a sentence
In the morning we found ________ or small amounts, of snow on the plants.
The fourth of July is a ________ holiday.
A ___________ is a building, statue, or other object made to honor a person or event.
Use the word massive in a sentence
Something that is _________ is very, very large.
The Statue of Liberty is an American _________.
Diane sat and gazed at the _______ view of the river
Use the word clues in a complete sentence
These paw prints are _____ that a dog walked here today.
Use the word carved in a sentence
A strong river _________ this canyon out of rock