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Review of the Catechism

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the name of our diocese?
Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau
Name one of the mysteries in Rosary?
Sorrowful, Joyful, Glorious, or Luminous
Which apostle follow Jesus even to the Calvary where he died?
Who is the foster father of Jesus?
Name our current pope
Pope Francis
Name of our current bishop
Bishop Edward Rice
The priest or deacon helps us understand how to relate the message of the Gospel to our everyday lives.
Presentation and Preparation of the Gifts - A Chalice and a paten are placed on the Altar. The gifts of bread and wine are presented to the priest. What part of Mass is this?
Liturgy of the Eucharist
There are _____ parts of the Mass.
What are the two types of sin?
Mortal & Venial sins
When do we celebrate All Saints' Day?
Nov. 1
The liturgical color of Ordinary Time is _____.
This season is 40 days preparation for Easter.
Sacrament of Matrimony (Marriage) and ______ are sacraments of commitment.
Holy Order
Aside from Reconciliation, this Sacrament is also a sacrament of healing.
Anointing of the Sick
She became the new Eve because of her obedience to God.
Blessed Mother
Who are the Blessed Trinity?
Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit
The Bible is the collection of ______ books.
Who was the "rock" to whom Jesus gave the keys to the kingdom?
Peter the apostle
This word means "sacred agreement."
This is the first book of the old testament
This is the first sacrament in Catholicism.
This prayer ends with "deliver us from evil."
Our Father
If you take a pack of gum from the grocery store without paying you are breaking this, the 8th Commandment. Name the 8th Commandment.
You shall not steal.
The Bible has this many testaments. Name them.
2 testaments (Old & New Testaments)