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Game version healthy and unhealthy food

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What food and drinks can you buy in your school cafeteria?
I can buy_____and________in my school cafeteria.
What food and drinks can you buy in your school cafeteria?
I can buy_____and________in my school cafeteria.
What food and drinks can you buy in your school cafeteria?
I can buy_____and________in my school cafeteria.
What food and drinks can you buy in your school cafeteria?
I can buy soda and salad in my school cafeteria.
What makes students feel tired? Why?
Having cakes because it’s not brain food
What makes students feel tired? Why?
Having soda because it's not brain food.
What makes students feel tired? Why?
Having ice cream because it's not brain food.
What makes students study better? Why?
Having salad because it makes students feel healthier.
What makes students study better? Why?
Having fish because it is brain food.
What makes students study better? Why?
Having fruit because it makes students feel healthier.
What makes students study better? Why?
Having nuts because it is brain food.
What is it? Is it healthy or unhealthy?
What is it? Is it healthy or unhealthy?
What is it? Is it healthy or unhealthy?
What is it? Is it healthy or unhealthy?
What is it? Is it healthy or unhealthy?
fast food