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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Will always he his remember birthday.
He will always remember his birthday.
Will she for the job be qualified?
Will she be qualified for the job?
Will you when arrive be able to ready?
Will you be ready when you arrive?
Will finish the project they by Friday.
They will finish the project by Friday.
Will be the party at your house?
Will the party be at your house?
Will tomorrow you be attending the meeting?
Will you be attending the meeting tomorrow?
He will not be able to attend the concert next week.
He won't be able to attend the concert next week.
They will not finish the project on time.
They won't finish the project on time.
Will you not come to the meeting today?
Won't you come to the meeting today?
She will not be graduating from college next year.
She won't be graduating from college next year.
I will not be going to the party tomorrow.
I won't be going to the party tomorrow.
He didn't used to play video games, but now he does all the time.
He didn't use to play video games, but now he does all the time.
We didn't used to watch TV in the morning, but now we do.
We didn't use to watch TV in the morning, but now we do.
They didn't used to have a dog, but now they do.
They didn't use to have a dog, but now they do.
She didn't used to live in the city, but now she does.
She didn't use to live in the city, but now she does.
I didn't used to like coffee, but now I love it.
I didn't use to like coffee, but now I love it.
He use to work as a teacher, but now he's a writer.
He used to work as a teacher, but now he's a writer.
We use to eat pizza every Friday night.
We used to eat pizza every Friday night.
They use to go to the beach every summer.
They used to go to the beach every summer.
She usually watch TV before bed.
She used to watch TV before bed.
I use to play basketball when I was in high school.
I used to play basketball when I was in high school.