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What am I ?

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It is a food made from milk. It's yellow and you can eat it with bread. Mice love it!
This is a snack that is sometimes long or twisted up in a knot. It's brown and has a little salt on it.
a pretzel
If you aren't careful you can order these spicy. They usually are covered in sauce and sometimes people eat lots and lots of them.
chicken wings
When you go to a carnival or a fair, you will find it on a stick. You can dip it in ketchup or mustard.
a corndog
You make this with two slices of bread and you can put cheese, meat or lettuce inside.
a sandwich
It's hot. You can eat or drink this from a bowl or from a cup. You can put vegetables or meat in it.
i am big i sometimes have an upstairs and i take people to different places
a bus
its soft sweet and cold
ice cream
its frozen and sweet
in this subject we study the units of matter
in this subject we act out plays
in this subject we study about robots and technology
in this subject we study about rivers, mountains, countries and plants around the world 
in this subject we study about important people and events in the past
i am bright i am hot i disapper