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Bluey - Daddy Robot Quizz
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What colors is Bingo ?
Brown and white/yellow
What do Bluey and Bingo do in the end?
They tidy the room
Daddy Robot started to malfunction because of the kids. Why is is their fault?
Because they ordered him to tidy the room for them.
What is Bluey's idea to distract Daddy Robot?
Mommy Robot
Why was Daddy Robot going to throw them in the wheelie bin?
Because like this the Playroom will always be tidy
What do they order Daddy Robot to do?
Tidy the Playroom forever
What colors is Bluey?
Yellow and Blue
Who are the characters?
Mom, Dad, Bingo and Bluey
What do they need to do to turn off Daddy Robot?
Touch his nose
What part did you like the most?
Personal answers
What's the name of the episode?
Daddy Robot