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Chapter 3: Early Dakota

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Who were the main characters in the Dakota story you made a comic about?
The Water Spirit, The Thunderbird, and the Sun
What was the name of the hero in "The Badger and the Bear"?
The Avenger
What is one way that people can improve their human capital?
Practice their skills, Receive education & training, Stay healthy and productive, Connect with other people who can help them.
T/F: Generosity, according to the Dakota, means sharing food and gifts without expecting anything back.
In “The Ghost Wife?”, what happens when the young man raises his voice inside the tipi?
His ghost wife and children vanish immediately and never return to him.
Name 2 states where Dakota communities and reservations are today.
Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Montana
T/F: Early Dakota people earned income in the form of money wages, just as people do today.
T/F: In Dakota society, people believed time moves in a circle.
T/F: The Dakota believed in personal privacy, and often kept their eyes to the ground to not be rude to others.
T/F: Dakota children were taught to speak softly and not be clumsy in their tipis.
T/F: The Dakota have lived in Minnesota longer than any other group of people.
The knowledge and skills people have that enhance their ability to earn income is...
Human capital
Money or other benefits received in payment for goods or services is...
A cone-shaped house made by stretching animal skins over a wooden pole frame
Close connection to one's relatives is called...
The Dakota term that inspired the name of our state Minnesota is...
Mni Sota Makoce