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Food Idoms

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When reading that online article, it's a good idea to ..., as the source might not be reliable.
take the information with a pinch of salt
Instead of rushing into a decision, take a moment to ... and think things through carefully.
use your noodle
Susan accidentally ... about the surprise party, and now everyone knows.
spilled the beans
Completing the assignment was ... for her; she finished it in no time
a piece of cake
..., the company is facing financial difficulties due to increased competition and rising production costs
in a nutshell
Solving that complex math problem was a ..., but I eventually figured it out.
hard nut to crack
Action movies are ...; I prefer romantic comedies.
not my cup of tea
Don't ...; accidents happen, and we can always get more.
cry over spilled milk
The ... from various universities gathered for the prestigious academic competition
cream of the crop
Even under pressure, she remained ..., never showing a hint of stress.
cool as a cucumber
The romantic movie was so ... that it made everyone in the room roll their eyes.
He wanted to party all night and still wake up early for work, but he couldn't ...
have his cake and eat it too
We'll have to ... Angie ... before we tell her the news about the broken vase.
butter up
My husband has had to ... ever since I broke my leg.
bring home the bacon
Just explain the ... of your report. You don't have to go into details.
bread and butter
I thought I was just going to interview the secretary, but they let me talk to the ... himself.
big cheese
I don't want my little brother hanging around with the ... on the street.
bad eggs
Baby Jessica is the ...
apple of her father's eye.