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A1 Daily activities and House chores

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The man/take out/the rubbish/the morning.
The man takes out the rubbish in the morning.
What 3 chores can the cat do at the same time?
The cat can dust the furniture, sweep the floor and vacuum the carpet.
What do they do at work?
They wash the dishes.
What does she usually do to clean her house?
She usually dusts the furniture.
Does he mop or sweep the floor?
He sweeps the floor.
He/go to bed/10 pm/usually.
He usually goes to bed at 10 pm.
She/leave the house/at 10 am/usually.
She usually leaves the house at 10 am.
Does he pack lunch for work?
Yes, he does. He packs lunch for work.
He/get dressed/ at 8 am/always.
He always gets dressed at 8 am.
Does she usually take a shower or a bath?
She usually takes a shower.
She/wake up/9 am
She wakes up at 9 am.
What does the cat usually do?
The cat usually does the laundry.
He/brush teeth/twice a day
He brushes teeth twice a day.