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Food Pyramid

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What group has food that gives our body energy?
The grain group.
What group has food that is good for our muscles?
The protein group.
What group has food that is good for our eyes and skin?
The vegetable group.
What group has food that is good for our bones?
The dairy (or milk) group.
What group does bread belong to?
Bread belongs to the grain group.
What group does beef belong to?
Beef belongs to the protein group.
What group does cake belong to?
Cake belongs to the oils and sweets group.
What group do apples belong to?
Apples belong to the fruit group.
What group do carrots belong to?
Carrots belong to the vegetable group.
What group does cheese belong to?
Cheese belongs to the dairy (or milk) group.
Give two examples of food from the protein group.
Personal answer.
Give two examples of food from the dairy (or milk) group.
Personal answer.
Give two examples of food from the oils and sweets group.
Personal answer.
Give two examples of food from the vegetable group.
Personal answer.
Give two examples of food from the fruit group.
Personal answer.
Give two examples of food from the grain group.
Personal answer.
What group is the biggest group in the food pyramid?
The grain group.
What group is the smallest in the food pyramid?
The oils and sweets group.
What color is the protein group?
It's purple.
What color is the dairy group (or milk group)?
It's blue.
What color is the oils and sweets group?
It's yellow.
What color is the grain group?
It's orange.
What color is the vegetable group?
It's green.
What color is the fruit group?
It's red.
What are the six groups of the food pyramid?
Grains, vegetables, fruits, oils and sweets, dairy (or milk group), and proteins.
How many groups are there in the food pyramid?
There are six groups.