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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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'I might be late for dinner.' he told me.INFORMED
He informed me that he might be late for dinner.
John thought it would be a good idea to buy fish and chips for dinner. SUGGESTED
John suggested buying fish and chips for dinner.
"It was Andy who broke the window," said Mary. (ACCUSED OF)
Mary accused Andy of breaking the window
"I'm sorry I broke your computer," said Frank. (APOLOGISE FOR)
Frank apologised for breaking my computer.
'I might be late for dinner.' he told me. INFORMED
He informed me that he... informed me he .... might be late for dinner.
'I didn't break the window,' said the boy. DENIED
The boy denied breaking. the window
'What's your name?' he asked. KNOW
He wanted to know what my name was.
'You must do your homework tonight.' the teacher said. TOLD
The teacher told me to do my homework that night.
'I didn't break the window,' said the boy. DENIED
The boy denied breaking the window
'I'll call you later tonight,' Keith promised. WOULD
Keith promised that he would call later that night. (phone/ring)
'What do you think of the college?' she asked me. ASKED
She asked me what I thought of the college.
“I want to go to the football match, but I don’t have enough money”.
Hannah said that she wanted to go to the football match, but she didn’t have enough money.
“I can’t chat because I’m working”. George said
George said that he couldn't chat because he was working.
Me: ‘I’ve done it!’ (I told you)
I told you that I had done it
‘I won’t be at the meeting tomorrow.’ Paul said
Paul said that he wouldn't be at the meeting the following day.
‘There was an accident outside the supermarket’.he said
He said there had been an accident outside the supermarket.
‘I went to the party on Friday night’, Eve said
‘Eve said that she had gone to the party on Friday night’.
‘I can swim really fast.’ , he said
He said that he could swim really fast.
“Stop driving so fast”
My mother ordered me (not) to stop driving.
“What is the name of the new show?” Sue asked
Sue asked what the name of the new show was.
“Did the contestant win a lot of money?” She said.
She ASKED IF / WHETHER the contestant had won a lot of money.