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my librarian is a camel
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did she say, well leave at 3:15
Did she say, "We'll leave at 3:15?"
who wants the last piece of apple pie asked grandma
"Who wants the last piece of apple pie?" asked grandma.
What does the word prevent mean in the sentence below?
keep from happening
What does the word decree mean in the sentence below?
What does the word decree mean in the sentence below?
What does the word vast mean in the sentence below?
What does the word obtain mean in the sentence below?
What does the word impassable mean in the sentence below?
impossible to travel on
What does the word access mean in the sentence below?
ability and permission to use
What does the word isolated mean in the sentence below?
far apart from others
What does the word avid mean in the sentence below?
What does the word prevent mean in the sentence below?
keep from happening
What does the word annual mean in the sentence below?
What does the word drowsy mean in the sentence below?
Why are library book delivered by mail in Canada's Northwest Territories?
This is the best way to transport the books across long distances.
The article describes the Northwest Territories of Canada as an arctic region. what does the phrase arctic region mean?
a cold region near the North Pole
How does the map of Canada relate to the ideas presented in the text beside it?
It shoes how large the nation of Canada is.
Which of these is NOT a reason stated in the article why camels are used to deliver books in Kenya?
They are agreeable animals that are friendly to children.
How do the photos and captions relate to the article's main ideas?
by showing children all over the world receiving and enjoying books
Why is one book delivery program in Mongolia known as candy books?
The children sometimes get candy with the books
What does the word nomadic mean in the sentence below?
What does the word caravan mean in the sentences below?
a groups of camels carrying goods across a desert
What effect does the "Library Train for Young People" have in Bangkok, Thailand?
It gives homeless children a safe place to learn
Why did the author include a photo of elephants in Thailand?
to show what the elephant library looks like