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Greeting Cards

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What kind of greeting card that suitable for this occasion?
mother's day card
"I hope this makes you feel better" To whom do you send the card?
to sick person
Who is the receiver?
Who is receiver?
Receiver adalah penerima surat, yakni kepada siapa kartu itu diucapkan. Biasanya receiver terletak di pojok atas kiri surat.
Mention the types of greeting cards!
Birthday card, graduation card, wedding card , etc
What is the purpose of greeting card?
The purpose of greeting card is to congratulate, to wish or to show sympathy for someone's achievement
What is greeting card?
Greeting card is a card that contains a short message given by someone to another person
What kind of greeting card you should make for this picture?
Birthday card
Mention the generic structure of greeting card!
Receiver, Body, Sender
Dear Bayu, Happy sweet seventeen birthday! I hope you can be the best in every aspect that you have. Keep fighting to finish your study and I wish the best luck for your future. -Your love, Anin. What is the type of greeting card?
Birthday card
may all dreams come true
semoga semua mimpimu terkabul