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ETB2003 Event Management Terms

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List the 3 stages in event process?
Pre-event, during event and post-event.
What Does a request for proposal (RFP) mean?
is an open request for bids to complete a new project proposed by the company or other organization that issues it.
Delegates is the main term used to describe..........
people who attend conferences, seminars, workshops and similar events.
Work break-down structure is
Is a schedule of the various jobs which have to be done to complete an entire event.
Action plan in event management refers to...
Indicates the specific tasks to be undertaken, by whom and when; ongoing improvement is also part of action planning.
What is the difference between event site and event venue?
Site: Generally an oudoor space with limited infrastructure. Venue: Generally refers to a built structure where an event takes place.
What is risk management?
Involves forecasting and evaluating risks in order to minimise their impact.
Who are event stakeholders?
May include internal and external customers, organising committees, funding bodies, regulatory authorities and other government authorities.
What is budget in event management ?
A financial plan or forecast; an estimate of income and expenditure.
What does MICE stand for?
A group of people attending an event, for a range of purposes, from watching the event take place, to actively participating in some or all of the event’s activities
The individual, or organisation, who promotes and manages an event
Event organizer
The group of people engaged in watching an event or (usually) passively participating in some aspect of the event activities
What is an Event?
event is an opportunity for leisure, social or cultural experience outside the normal range of choices or beyond everyday experience.’
events are generally made up of meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions. - with a common purpose.
Business Event
An event promoting the fine arts or other human intellectual achievement and its purpose shall not primarily be of a commercial nature;
Cultural event
Their volume should exceed 1 million visits, their capital cost should be at least $500 million, and their reputation should be that of a ‘must see’ event.
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