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Merced Compound sentences and FANBOYS

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We can have pizza for supper. We can have spaghetti. (or/but)
We can have pizza for supper, or we can have spaghetti.
The cake is dry. The caramel sauce is good. (but/nor)
The cake is dry, but the caramel sauce is good.
She does not play the piano. She does play the flute. (so/but)
She does not play the piano, but she does play the flute.
They moved their toys to the side. They had room for the race track. (so/yet)
They moved their toys to the side, so they had room for the race track.
You cannot go outside. It started to rain. (for/but)
You cannot go outside, for it started to rain.
I am allergic to cats. I love to pet them. (but/and)
I am allergic to cats, but I love to pet them.
We could start the movie now. We could wait for Julia to arrive. (or/nor)
We could start the movie now, or we could wait for Julia to arrive. 
I really like chocolate cake. I am too full to eat more. (and/ but)
I really like chocolate cake, but I am too full to eat more
My family has never been to Taitung. We have seen Taipei 101. (so/but)
My family has never been to Taitung, but we have seen Taipei 101.
They arrived early at the show. They had great seats. (so/but)
They arrived early at the show, but they had great seats.
She did not go to the park. It was too late in the evening. (for/so)
She did not go to the park, for was too late in the evening.