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Renaissance Figures

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which Renaissance sculptor often created sculptures in bronze?
Which painter is often considered the first great painter of the Italian Renaissance?
Which artist is widely considered to be the prototype of the "Renaissance man"?
Leonardo da Vinci
What was the name of the painting style used by many Renaissance artists where wet plaster was bonded with dry paint?
Which Renaissance painter is responsible for the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?
What is the word for the local language or dialect spoken by people in a region?
What was Chaucer's most famous work?
The Canterbury Tales
Which Italian-French poet defended the experiences of women in her written work?
Christine de Pizan
Jan Van Eyck is often credited as the father of what type of painting? (hint: think medium)
Oil painting
Northern or Italian? Paintings of mythological and religious scenes
Northern or Italian? Paintings of domestic and religious scenes
Northern or Italian? Focus on intense realism
Northern or Italian? Focus on idealized standards of beauty
Which Renaissance architect designed the Duomo in Florence?
What is the most famous canticle of Dante's Divine Comedy?
True or false? The painter Raphael's works were all very dark and somber.
False, they were all very colorful and vibrant.
Where was Albrecht Dürer born?
Which Renaissance painter painted "Primavera"?
What did the nickname "Tintoretto" mean?
Little dyer
What is the name of Miguel de Cervantes' most famous work?
Don Quijote
What was the name of Petrarch's unrequited love (and inspiritation)?