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Children's day

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do children like to eat healthy food or candies and fast food on this day?
Fast food and candies. (But it depends)
In 2023 we have 4 days of a big holiday for children's day. TRUE OR FALSE?
What day OF THE WEEK is children's day in 2023?
children's day is NOT celebrated all over the world. TRUE OR FALSE?
Children's day is in THE SAME DAY in ALL WORLD. TRUE OR FALSE?
Children do not have to go to school on Children's day. TRUE OR FALSE?
On Children's day we give presents to our parents. TRUE OR FALSE?
On Children's day children go to school and study. TRUE OR FALSE?
The children's day is a public holiday. TRUE OR FALSE?
What saint is the children's day saint?
Nossa Senhora Aparecida
Children's day is the day of a Saint. TRUE OR FLASE?
Who gets presents in children's day?
WHEN is Children's day?
October 12