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Passive voice

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What is the structure to create the passive voice in simple past?
verb to be in past (was/were) + verb in P.P.
What is the structure to create the passive voice in simple present?
verb to be in present (am, is, are) + verb in P.P.
What is the structure to create the passive voice in simple future?
Aux will + Verb to be in base form (be) + verb in P.P
What is the structure to create the passive voice in present perfect?
aux (have / has) + verb to be P.P. + verb in P.P
Which grammar tense is used in this sentence: Some thieves were captured by the policeman.
Simple Past
Which of the following sentences is written in simple future passive voice: 1-The email will be receiving by her. 2-The email will be received by her.
Transform into passive voice: Carlos will buy a car.
A car will be bought by Carlos / A car will be bought.
Which of the following sentences is written in simple past passive voice: 1-The house was built 30 years ago. 2-The house has been build for 30 years.
Which grammar tense is used in this sentence: 'The pictures are taken by the photographer'.
Simple Present
We use the passive voice when...
We don't know who did the action and the object is more important than the subject.
Transform into passive voice: My sister plays the piano.
The piano is played by my sister
Transform into passive voice: The janitor cleaned office in the morning.
The office was cleaned by the janitor in the morning