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Kitchen and Food Safety

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why should you not let hair, jewelry or sleeves dangle?
They can catch fire or get tangled in appliances.
Name some common kitchen hazards.
Falls, cuts, burns, falls, and food illness.
Where do most household accidents occur?
Kitchen and bathroom
What should you use to take hot pans out of the oven?
Dry kitchen towel or oven mitts
Name 2 things you should wash your hands after touching.
Pets, Raw meat, your hair, money etc.
Knives should be kept sharp to prevent injury.
Name 3 common food allergies
Milk, eggs, fish, wheat soy, peanuts, shellfish, and tree nuts.
True or False: You should soak your dirty knives in the sink.
What is the temperature danger zone?
Between 40 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit
What should you do if a drinking glass shatters into your mise en place?
Throw all the food in the garbage and clean and sanitize your station.
Where should pan handles be located
Turned inwards toward the center of the stove.
What is the correct temperature to hold cold food?
41F or below
True or False - You should not wash your hands before putting on gloves in the kitchen.
How long should you wash your hands before preparing food?
20 seconds
Sanitizer is an example of what type of contaminate?
Bacteria is an example of what type of contaminate?
Broken glass is an example of what type of contaminate?
The 3 possible contaminates are:
biologicial, phyiscal and chemical