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5th year - 2nd midterm test

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(identify the adverb and type) This is possibly the best work I’ve ever done.
possibly - certainty
(identify the adverb and type) You can mention your ideas later.
later - time
(identify the adverb and type) This is definitely the best album they've ever made.
definitely - certainty
(identify the adverb and type) I read your post and can completely relate to it.
completely - manner
(identify the adverb and type) You can buy everything you need locally.
locally - place
_______ we got lost, we reached our destination.
Although / even though
I like hanging out with my friends. _______, I prefer to stay at home.
I hate camping. _______ , I enjoy being in touch with the nature.
________ having studied a lot, I think I won't pass the test.
We went running _______ of the fact it was raining.
despite / in spite of
I failed to find a mobile charger anywhere in the house. (retell using succeed)
I didn't succeeded in finding a mobile charger.
Tickets to the concert were impossible to get. (retell using able)
I wasn't able to get the tickets for the concert.
Were you able to repair Tim’s laptop? (retell using manage)
Did you manage to repair Tim's laptop?
We finally managed to connect to the wi-fi . (retell using succeeded)
We finally succeeded in connecting to the wi-fi.
I only learned to ride a bike when I was twelve years old. (retell using couldn’t)
I couldn’t ride a bike until I was twelve years old.
(Express suggestion, don't use should) You ______ get up or you’ll be late!
had better
(Express obligation) Set your alarm for 6 am because you ______ be late tomorrow!
(Express permission) Sometimes we ______ go home early if we’ve finished all our work.
are allowed to
It's taking some time but finally Maria _______ to driving on the left side of the road.
is getting used
I was exhausted because I wasn’t ____ getting up so early every day.
used to
You'll have to _______ to training every morning.
get used
This is so typical of Mike. I ______ to waiting for him all the time.
am used to
How long did it take for you to ______ to speaking French?
get used
I ______ be bad-tempered, but I’m much calmer now. (used to form)
used to