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A man I knew, Maruf, told me there was work in the port.
A men he knew, Maruf, told Sinbad there was work in the port.
My father used to be a wealthy merchant.
Sinbad's father used to be a wealthy merchant.
One day, Sinbad woke up penniless and alone
One day, I woke up penniless and alone.
One day, we were surprised to arrive at a desert island.
One day, they were surprised to arrive at a desert island.
Sinbad felt his body hit the sea.
I felt my body hit the sea.
Sinbad thought he was dead, but somehow, he held on to a piece of wood.
I thought I was dead, but somehow, I held on to a piece of wood.
I closed my eyes and saw my father smiling at me.
Sinbad closed his eyes and saw his father smiling at him.
I thought my troubles were over, but...
He thought his troubles were over, but...
Sinbad stayed at the palace and worked for almost a year.
I stayed at the palace and worked for almost a year.
I took my father's dagger and went to the market.
Sinbad took his father's dagger and went to the market.
Sinbad said, "I come from a far away city called Baghdad."
I said, "I come from a far away city called Baghdad."
I said goodbye to my friends and gathered my things.
Sinbad said goodbye to his friends and gathered his things.
Suddenly, the island starting shaking violently!
Suddenly, the island started shaking violently!
I watched my ship sail away with me.
Sinbad watched his ship sail away without him.
The king thanked Sinbad for saving his horse. (2 possibilities)
I thanked Sinbad for saving my horse. / The king thanked me for saving his horse.
Sinbad threw his dagger at the whale and said, "Take that!"
I threw my dagger at the whale and said, "Take that!"
The whale pulled me down into the water.
The whale pulled him down into the water.
All he had was his father's dagger.
All Sinbad had was his father's dagger.
Sinbad took all of his things and boarded the ship.
I took all of my things and boarded the ship.