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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete the sentence. Everyone brought their q_ _ _ _ _ _ _ to Warthog. He was the judge.
Everyone brought their quarrels to Warthog. He was the judge.
Look at the picture. Mention the warthog´s body parts
1) snout 2)tusk 3)wart 4)mane 5)tail
What did Anansi learn at the end of the story?
Anansi learned/t to weave a net and to catch fish.
Why didn’t Warthog believe Anansi?
Warthog didn't believe Anansi because he was lazy.
Why are warts useful?
Warts are useful because they protect warthogs´ faces, and help keep injuries from happening.
What does the warthog's tail pointing upwards signal?
It signals that danger is near.
What do warthogs do when they want to eat?
They kneel down.
Complete the sentence in the past. Anansi _________ (weave) the net and __________ (set) it in the river.
Anansi wove the net and set it in the river.
What do warthogs use their tusks for?
They use their tusks to protect themselves and their families.
Mention the warthog´s predators.
Its predators are leopards, lions, cheetahs and hyenas.
What do warthogs do when it's very hot?
They roll around in mud.
Complete the sentence. Anansi was a l_ _ _ spider. He didn't like to work.
Anansi was a lazy spider. He didn't like to work.
What do lions and warthogs have in common?
They both have a mane and live in Africa.
Complete the sentence in the past. Turtle _________ (not catch) the fish. Anansi __________ (catch) it.
Turtle didn´t catch the fish. Anansi caught it.
What was Warthog, the judge, like?
Warthog was an honest and fair judge.
Where did Anansi go when he realised Turtle had cheated him?
He went to the Justice Tree.
Complete the sentence in the past. Turtle ______ (fall) asleep by the river.
Turtle fell asleep by the river.
What do warthogs do to get away from their predators?
They run very fast.
Who ate the fish in the story “Anansi Goes Fishing”?
Turtle ate the fish.
What do warthogs eat?
They eat grass, roots and berries.
Where do Warthogs live?
In the grasslands of Africa.