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Inca/The End

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After receiving a room full of gold what did the Spanish conquistadors do instead of releasing Atahualpa
They killed Atahualpa
What did Atahualpa offer in exchange for his release?
A room full of gold
What did the Spanish conquistadors do to Atahualpa the Sapa Inca (king of the Incas)
They kidnapped him and held him ransom
Even though the Spanish were outnumbered, how did they conquer the Inca?
The Inca were weakened by disease and a civil war and the Spanish surprise attacked the Inca
What conquistador led the effort to conquer the Inca?
Francisco Pizarro
How did Hernan Cortes take out the Aztecs?
Disease, help from Aztecs' enemies, better weapons
Why did the Spanish Conquistadors go to the Americas?
To spread their religion and get rich
What is an epidemic?
a situation in which a disease spreads to many people in an area or region
What is immunity?
The body's ability to fight a disease after being exposed
What is smallpox?
a serious disease that spreads from person to person and causes a fever and rash
What is the name of the Spanish conquistador who led the effort to conquer the Aztecs
Hernan Cortes
What is an expedition?
a special journey taken by a group that has a clear purpose or goal
What did the Aztecs think was a floating mountain?
A ship
What is Machu Pichu?
A city in the mountains
Unlike the Maya and Aztec, the Inca had no written language. How did they keep track of records?
They used quipu and messengers who ran to deliver messages
What is a terrace?
a flat piece of land carved into the side of a mountain or hill
The amazing suspension bridge built by the Inca in Peru hung from 1350 until what year?
What is a suspension bridge?
A bridge where the road hangs from ropes or cables
What is mortar?
A material used in building that is soft at first but gets hard like a rock
What is an engineer?
Someone who uses math and science to make useful objects or buildings
Until when was the Inca Royal Road the longest road in the world?
The 1800s
How long was the Inca Royal Road?
Over 3,000 Kilometers
What is an official?
A person who does a job for the government