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Mexico Site & Situation

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A slang term for ozone formation in Mexico City?
Dust Bin Lid Effect
What is the altidude of the mountains surrounding Mexico City?
What is the altitude of Mexico City?
What causes the water, gas, sewerage pipes, power lines & buildings to fracture and road to crack?
Aquifers drying up.
How many meters had the ground subsided between 1940 and 1985?
7 meters.
The term to describe the ground sinking?
What percentage of the cities water comes from the 4280 sunken wells?
How many well are there?
4280 wells
The term used to describe underground water storage
2 reasons for water depletion
Industrialisation and Population growth
Why was there an influx in the population?
Job seekers
The term to describe the ground shaking & continuing with serious effects.
The rock group of Mexico City that causes amplifying during an earthquake.
The term to describe rocks made from old rock fragments.
The term to describe the creation of new land from oceans, seas, riverbeds or lake beds
3 reasons why the Aztecs had the original site of Mexico was on a lake.
What was built to link the lake to the west shores of the lake.
Name the historical group of people that founded Mexico city on an island in Lake Texcoco.
Name the lake that once existed where Mexico City lies.
Lake Texcoco
Define Situation
Things close to the area (eg. is it near roads, factories, other settlements?)
Define Site
Features of the actual area (eg. soil type, relief- flat/hilly land, climate, water supply)-early settlements