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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I would like to answer the question. ____ like to answer the question.
I would like to be a vampire for Halloween. ________ like to be a vampire for Halloween.
Do not eat too much candy. _____ eat too much candy.
You are a skeleton. ______ a skeleton.
We had not seen the movie before. We ________ seen the movie before.
I had not eaten any lunch. I ________ eaten any lunch.
Do not go in there! ______ go in there!
You are so sweet! _______ so sweet!
That is a panda. ______ a panda.
I have a new puppy. ____ a new puppy.
I have a good idea. ______ a good idea.
We're painting a picture.
We are painting a picture
They're swimming.
They are swimming.
It's very sunny right now.
It is very sunny right now.
It is raining.
It's raining.
She's riding a bike.
She is riding a bike.
He's running
He is running.
You're eating ice cream.
You are eating ice cream.
I'm reading a book.
I am reading a book.
We are friends.
We're friends.
They are my friends.
They're my friends.
She is watching TV.
She's watching TV.
He is studying.
He's studying.
You are eating food.
You're eating food.
I am studying English.
I'm studying English