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Which century is more recent: 5th century B.C. or 2nd century B.C.?
2nd century B.C.
What is the last year of the 10th century B.C.?
901 B.C.
What is the first year of the 10th century B.C.?
1000 B.C.
Generally, if there is no "B.C" or "A.D" after a date, we assume it is ___
The year 1000 A.D. is three hundred years ________ 1300 A.D.
The year 100 B.C. is one hundred years _______ the year 200 B.C.
Name a year from the 13th century B.C.
Any year from 1300-1201 B.C.
FC Barcelona was formed in 1899. What century?
19th century A.D.
The first Olympics were held 776 B.C. What century?
8th century B.C.
Real Madrid was founded in 1902. Which century?
20th century A.D.
What year did the 21st century start?
2001 A.D.
What year will the 21st century end?
2100 A.D.
How long is a century?
100 years
701 B.C.
8th century B.C.
900 B.C.
9th century B.C.
5874 B.C.
59th century B.C.
The plane was invented in 1903. Which century?
20th century A.D.
What does B.C. mean?
Before Christ
985 B.C.
10th century B.C.
23 A.D.
1st century A.D.
1698 A.D.
17th century A.D.