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Body Parts

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many noses do you have?
How many bodies do you have?
How many feet do you have?
How many arms do you have?
How many knees do you have?
How many ears do you have?
How many shoulders do you have?
How many hands do you have?
How many heads do you have?
How many fingers do you have?
Shake all of your body and name 3 body parts.
well done!
Clap your hands 10 times and name 3 body parts.
Spin 5 times.
I'm dizzy!
Make a funny face.
name 5 body parts.
good job
What day is it today?
Todau is ...
Do 10 jumping jacks in 10 seconds
jumping jacks
Do this dance quickly!
I can dance
What are these? E_rs
these are my ears
what is this? m_ _th
This is my mouth.
what's this? h_ _d
this is my head.
what's this?
This is my neck.
What are these?
these are my knees
What are these?
these are my arms.
What are these?
these are my toes.
what's this?
This is my hair.
What are these?
these are my feet.
What are these?
these are my legs.
What are these?
these are my shoulders.
what's this?
This is my nose.
What are these?
These are my eyes.
What are these?
These are my fingers.
What are these?
These are my hands.
What are these?
This is my eyes