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2nd year - THE UK

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can the Queen take part in any of the houses? What can she do in the Parliament?
No, she can't. She can only participate in ceremonies.
How many seats are there in the House of Commons? Is there a seat for each MP?
there are 430 seats and 650 MPs.
What can you vote in the UK?
A person to be a Member of Parliament that represents your constituency.
How many constituencies are there in the UK?
there are 650 constituencies.
What is a constituency?
A local area in the UK
Who gets to be the Prime Minister?
got it!
What is the meaning of 'FIRST PAST THE POST'?
got it!
What are the main functions of the House of Commons?
got it!
Which are the three parts of the Parliament?
The House of Commons, the Hose of Lords and the Monarchy.
Mention two roles of the monarch.
got it.
Which member of the Royal Family died on 31st August 1997?
Lady Diana
What's the name of the Queen's official residence in London?
The Buckingham Palace
What's the surname of the Royal Family?
Who is the Queen of England and who is next in line to the throne?
The Queen is Elizabeth II and the throne heir is Prince Charles.
What is the Bonfire night about?
got it!
Explain what is April fool's day.
got it.
Explain what is Hogmanay about.
got it!
What's the difference between state schools and public schools?
State schools are free of charge but public schools are independant and you have to pay for studying there.
At what age is schooling compulsory in the UK? And what about education?
Schooling is compulsory up to 16 and education up to 18.
Which are the stages of education in the UK? Mention the ages for each one.
Nursery school (3-5) / primary school (5-11) / secondary school (11-16) / Further education (16-18) / Higher education (18 onwards)
What is the Union Jack?
It's the flag of the United Kingdom.
Name the countries that form the United Kingdom and their capitals.
England - London / Scotland - Edinburgh / Wales - Cardiff / Northern Ireland - Belfast