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Places in the office. Riddles

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I'm a place where goods are stored. Packed in boxes, crates, and more, What am I
The warehouse
I am the highest level of the floor. What am I?
The top floor
In this room, items are kept. Supplies and goods are stored out of sight. What am I?
The stockroom
I'm a series of steps, going up or down, in a building or home. I help you reach higher or lower floors. What am I?
The stairs
I'm the first face you see when you arrive. With a friendly smile to make you feel good. I answer phones and greet guests with care. What am I?
The reception
I'm the entrance grand, where visitors wait. A place to rest before a meeting or an appointment. With comfortable seating. I'm often found near a building's front door. What am I?
The lobby
I move you up and down. Without me, you'd use the stairs. I have buttons to press on every floor, to transport you where you need to explore. What am I?
The lift
I'm a place of science, where discoveries are made. With test tubes, beakers, and microscopes displayed. In this sterile space, experiments unfold. To unlock the secrets of the world, I'm told. What am I?
The laboratory
I'm a place where pots and pans abound, with spices and ingredients all around. I'm where meals are cooked with care and love, with appliances like an oven or stove. What am I?
The kitchen
I'm the level where you first step in. Entrance to the building, easy to find. What am I?
The ground floor
I'm a pathway that's long and narrow between rooms. I link offices and classrooms. What am I?
The corridor
I'm a place where ideas take flight. Where people meet to discuss and write. A table, chairs, and a screen you'll see in this space where collaboration runs free. What am I?
The conference room
I'm a place where cars come to a rest. What am I?
The car park
I'm a place where people dine and chat. What am I?
The cafeteria
I'm dark and hidden from the light. In a house, I'm found down below, where spiders and cobwebs tend to grow. What am I?
The basement