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2nd year 2nd mid term test

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Grandma drives _____ at night. She drives ____ my dad. (slow)
slow / slower than
Carla is a _____ runner. She runs ______ than me. (fast)
fast / faster
My grandad is 87 years old, John's grandad is 55 years old. (compare using a bit / far)
My grandad is far older than John's grandad.
The Amazon river is 6,400 km long, the Nile is 6,500 km. (compare using a lot / a little)
The Nile is a little longer than the Amazon.
I’m 1.70 m tall, my brother is 1.74 m tall. (compare using bit / far)
My brother is a bit taller than me.
(compare using as.....as /not as ...as) A play is ____ concert.
got it!
(compare using as.....as / not as...as) A talk show is ____ sports programme.
got it!
(compare using as.....as / not as...as) Horror films are ____ action films.
got it!
(compare using as.....as / not as...as) English is ____ Maths.
got it!
(articles) I had ____ exam yesterday. It was ____ most difficult exam of ____ the year.
an / the / the
(articles) I love _____ pets. I have got ____ dog and ____ two cats.
- / a / -
(articles) My brother never watches _____ documentaries, he thinks they are _____ most boring thing on TV.
- / the
(articles) My grandparents have rented _____ house in the Alps. _____ house is very beautiful.
a / the
He ______ (have) that car ______ a long time.
has had / for
They _____ (live) there ______ last year.
have lived / since
I _____ (work) at the store _____ three years.
have worked / for
She _____ (be) a teacher ______ 2013.
has been / since
We _______ (not win) any match last month.
didn't win
We _______ (not win) any match since quarantine started.
haven't won
Paul _______ (write) many songs since he learned how to play the guitar.
has written
Paul _______ (write) many songs in the 80's.
We _______ (go) to the park yesterday.
She _______ (visit) London last year.
She _______ (visit) London three times.
has visited