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AC2 - U5-11

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give your opinion about the quarantine
Change the sentence using the causative structure: She is taking a photograph
She is having her photograph taken
Make a sentence in the Past Perfect
I had already planned something when they invited me to the party
What entertains you?
Change the sentence using the causative structure: I cut my hair
I have/had my hair cut
Complete the sentence: Bia _________(help) Theo if she had known he was troubled
would have helped
Make a question using the words: discovered / Brazil
Who discover Brazil?
Make a question using the words: invent / airplane
Who invented the airplane?
Ask for direction to get to the mall
Excuse me, how can get to the mall from here?
Rewrite the sentence using the word 'Unless': If you don't pay, I won't go with you.
Unless you pay, I won't go with you
Make a sentence using the word: Despite
Despite the risks, we went to the 'baile funk'
Make a sentence using the words: In spite of
In spite of the rain, we had a good time together
Make a question using the present perfect with words: Claudia / homework / Yet
Has Claudia finished her homework yet?
Make a sentence using the present perfect with words: José / never/ London
José has never been to London
If you had the chance to live abroad, where would live? Why?
Complete the sentence: If I had money, I _______(travel) around the world
would travel
Complete the sentence: If I were you, ________ (talk) to her about Janice.
would talk
Do you like to speak in public? How do you feel when you have to do that?
Do you think it's OK to show affection in public? Do you do that?
Do you have a favorite sport? Do you watch or do play this sport?
Choose the best option: I_______ (got/make/have) my bedroom cleaned yesterday.
Choose the best option:________(Have/Were/Did) Mary and John at the party last night?
Choose the best option: That was the only thing I______(could/would) do. I was desperate!
Choose the best option: I__________(had to/ was able to) go, my mom was not feeling well.
had to