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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You usually _______ the dog for a _______.
take the dog for a walk
My sister always _______ the dog for a _______.
takes the dog for a walk
My cat never _______ a ________.
has a bath
You sometimes __________ a ________ after P.E classes.
have a shower
My parents and I _____ to ______ at 10:00 pm.
go to bed
The teacher always ______ to ________ on feet.
goes to school
My grandma sometimes ______ ________ at 3 o´clock
has lunch
I never _________ my _______ at 12:00 pm.
brush my teeth
My aunt Emily usually _______ ________ at 9 o´clok.
has breakfast
My dad sometimes ______ __________ at 11:00 pm.
has dinner
Elizabeth never _______ to _______ at 12:00 pm.
goes to bed
She never _________ at 5:00 am.
gets up
You sometimes ______ ________ at 10:00 pm.
have dinner
I always _______ __________ at 10:00 am.
have breakfast
We sometimes __________ our _________after lunch.
brush our teeth
I always ________ a _______ at night.
have a bath
She usually ________ a _______.
has a shower.
We usually ________ _______at 1 o´clock.
have lunch
They always ________ to _______ by bus.
go to school
I usually _______ _____ at 7:00 am.
get up