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Sentence Structures

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are the FANBOYS actually called?
Coordinating Conjunctions
Phrase or Clause? - Without my books,
Phrase or Clause? - How old is your parrot?
Phrase or Clause? - That we will be okay
Phrase or Clause? - Unless I see some changes
Phrase or Clause? - Went to the store yesterday
What type of sentence is this? I did not know that this food was meant only for the staff, so I ate a cookie.
What type of sentence is this? We are going to the park tomorrow.
What type of sentences is this? I remember the day that we met very well.
Which type of sentence is this? In the evening, I am going to the park.
Which type of sentence is this? She is innocent, so she has appealed to the court.
An adjective clause is also known as a...
Relative Clause
An adverb clause is also known as a...
Subordinate Clause
Identify the relative clause within this sentence, "My aunt, who lives in Japan, likes Japanese culture."
who lives in Japan
Identify the subordinate clause within this sentence, "I will go to the beach if it is sunny."
if it is sunny
Identify the subordinate clause within this sentence, "What the criminal did was shocking to the nation."
What the criminal did
Identify the subordinate clause within this sentence, "Once the rain stops, we will be able to go outside."
Once the rain stops
Relative or Subordinate Clause: Please address the envelopes before you leave this afternoon.
Subordinate Clause
Relative or Subordinate Clause: When I am older, I would like to travel in South America.
Subordinate Clause
Relative or Subordinate Clause: Before we got out of bed, my father had already cleared the snow off the sidewalk.
Subordinate Clause
Name all the relative pronouns (there are 5)
That, Which, Who, Whom, and Whose
What does a subordinate clause modify?
a verb
What does a relative clause modify?
a noun
Are adverb clauses independent or dependent clauses?