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13 Colonies

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which region of colonies is this?
Which region of colonies is this?
Which region of colonies is this?
New England
What is the name of this colony?
South Carolina
What is the name of this colony?
North Carolina
What is the name and capital of this colony?
Maryland and Annapolis
What is the name of this colony?
What is the name of this colony and who was the founder?
Pennsylvania and William Penn
What is the name of this colony?
What is the name of this colony?
New Jersey
What is the name of this colony?
New York
What is the name of this colony, who was the founder and what did he believe in?
Rhode Island Roger Williams separation of church and state
What the name of this colony?
Connecticut Thomas Hooker Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
What is the name of this colony?
Massachusetts Pilgrims-1620
What is the name of this colony?
New Hampshire