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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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One of these is not allowed during the break:
Eating snacks
Talking with friends
Using my phone or tablet
What do you do when you come early to the center?
Wait at the entry until the bell rings or you have permission to go to class.
How many gates are there in the center? Bonus points if you can name them.
When the class ends, I can leave the center using any gate I want.
What are two things I must do before I leave the classroom.
1. Make sure I took all of my belongings (Jacket, pens, notebooks, etc) 2. Make sure there is no litter on my chair, desk and under my chair.
I can chew gum and finish eating my snacks in class...
What is the only thing I can eat or drink during class?
I can drink water
During exams and quizzes, I must
rely 100% on myself/ask my teacher if a question isn't clear
Check my answers with a classmate
Ask the student next to me if I don't understand a question
Use my phone
I must treat my classmates and teacher with respect and kindness at all times.
Joining Google Classroom is optional.
When I'm working in pairs or groups, my teacher will always pair me with my friends.
Name three things that will happen if you misbehave.
Your teacher will call on a TA, you will be taken to the administration, your parents will receive a call.
Besides my book, I must always bring one of the following:
a notebook
a fidget spinner
a Rubik's Cube
My parents will receive a call if I'm absent for......
Two consecutive weeks/ classes
one week/ class
Three consecutive weeks/ classes
Four consecutive weeks/ classes
What do you do when you want to say something but don't know the word in English?
I ask the question: How do I say ________ in English?
I say what I want in Arabic.
I change my mind and not speak at all.
I speak a mix of English and Arabic or French.