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Virginia Studies Weekly - Week 4 Test Review

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why did Powhatan (the chief) tell all his tribes to stop trading food to the colonists?
He didn't want them to stay there forever.
Before there were banks and money, how did people like the Virginia Indians get the things they needed and wanted?
They traded with other people (other tribes and explorers)
Why do American Indians have powwows?
To help keep American Indians' history alive; so people can enjoy and learn about native traditions.
What should you do before taking pictures of dancers at a powwow?
ask permission
What is the correct name for the fancy clothes that American Indians wear in the Grand Entry?
What do we call the creature in the bay today?
the blue crab
In what other two states did the Cherokee live?
North Carolina and Tennessee
What crops did the Siouan Indians grow?
corn, beans, and squash
What was the name for the 32 tribes that joined together?
About how many tribes spoke the Algonquian language?
about 40
What are artifacts?
objects made by humans that tell you about the people who made them and how they lived.
What were some European explorers looking for when they crossed the Atlantic Ocean?
A shorter route to Asia.
What is an example of an Algonquian word that is used today?
Tomahawk or moccasins
What did the three American Indian groups of Virginia have in common?
They each shared the same language.
The Virginia Iroquoian Indians lived in two areas, the Coastal Plain and the ______________.
mountains (or Appalachian Plateau)
How many Siouan mounds have been found in Virginia?
What Siouan tribe made mounds?
Where did the Siouan Indians live in Virginia?
Piedment Region
What artifacts did the Powhatan Indians leave behind?
Bone fishhooks, pottery and discarded oyster shells
What did the Powhatan Indians call their chief?
The Algonquian tribes that worked together were known as the _____________.
How do archaeologists figure out when American Indians lived in an area?
By studying artifacts
About how many Powhatan lived along the Coastal Plain of Virginia at one time?
Who was the explorer that called the native people of America the Indians?
Christopher Columbus