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Anne's Adventure

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What did they find in the ship?
A parrot, treasure maps, some rum, a bed and other..
What happened to Anne?
She was accepted by the pirate and his crew and became a pirate too.
Where did Anne hide?
Under the pirate's bed.
What did the parrot yell ?
"Intruder, intruder"
What did they see at the port?
They saw a pirate ship.
What did Anne and her friends like to do?
To play outside and to pretend they were pirates.
Who was the group leader?
Anne was the leader.
Why did Big foot get this nickname?
Because he had a problem in his foot.
Why did Jack get his nickname?
Beacuse he limped.
Why did Sushi get this nickname?
Because he liked to eat raw fish.
Why did Johnny get this nickname?
Because he lost sight of one eye as a baby.
What were her friends nickname?
Johnny One Eye, Sushi, Jack the Lame and Big Foot
What behaviour was expected from girls at the time?
That they stayed home learning how to cook and sew for her future husband. And other..
Why she suffered bullying?
Beacuse she liked to dress like a boy and play outside.
What were her brothers names?
Phillipe, Jonathan and Paul
Where did Anne live?
She lived in London.