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5th grade science matter and molecules section 3

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Create a sentence with the 2 words, dissolve and solid.
teacher will check.
Create a sentence with these 2 words, substance and stable mixture.
teacher will check.
Which emulsifier is the best at combining substances? flour, corn starch, lecithin, glue?
Based on this attraction level, would this be a stable or unstable mixture?
Based on this attraction level, would this be a stable or unstable mixture?
stable mixture.
*BONUS POINTS* Draw a model with 2 liquid molecules being combined with 1 emulsifier molecule.
Teacher will judge.
Name 3 emulsifiers.
corn starch, flour, lecithin.
Explain what an emulsifier does.
Causes unstable mixtures to become stable.
Describe what 2 liquids would become a UNSTABLE MIXTURE.
Any 2 liquids that would be separating or cause layers.
Explain what a stable mixture is, IN YOUR OWN WORDS.
A mixture that is altogether and does not separate.
Name 5 solids.
Teacher will check.
Name 5 liquids
Teacher will check
Name 1 thing that is observed in the NANOSCALE.
Atoms or molecules
Explain the difference between a solid and a liquid.
Solids have a fixed shaped, while liquids are wet, and fills its container.
Name 3 things that would be sediments in water.
Anything that sinks to the bottom or does NOT break apart.
Name 3 things that are soluble in water.
Anything that breaks apart in water.