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Prepositions Advanced U15

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When a verb follows a preposition you need to use what kind of verb form after?
- ing form
If you spilled coffee on your shirt - your shirt would be ...?
Where on your body would you normally wear a ribbon?
Your head / hair
What material is used for warm winter clothes like jumpers?
What type of material are jeans made of?
collar, lapel and lining are all parts of what?
a jacket
frayed, split, worn out all describe what kind of clothing?
damaged clothing
What does WANE mean in the context of this sentence? With the economy in wane, the company is planning to cut down on salaries.
to become weaker
The cinema changes their movie schedule every week. BASIS
The cinema changes their movie schedule on a weekly basis.
Shu was slower than the others and couldn't keep up. PACE
Shu was off the pace and couldn't keep up.
You must drink alcohol within reasonable limits or you'll put on weight. MODERATION
You must drink alcohol in moderation to avoid putting on weight.
Many male students have had to sleep on the street because accommodation is difficult to find. WITH
With accommodation being difficult to find, many male students have had to sleep on the street.
After I graduated from Langports, I found a job at the local pub. ON
On graduating from Langports, I found a job at the local pub.
People who eat junk food are more likely to have a heart attack than people who eat healthy. RISK
Unhealthy people are at a greater risk of having a heart attack than healthy people.
Rewrite the sentence using the word but keep meaning the same: Nobody could control the crowd at the Langports Film Festival at all. CONTROL
The crowd was completely out of control at the Langports Film Festival.