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Cellular transport

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provides the starting point for other necessary lipids such as vitamin D and the hormones estrogen and testosterone
What kind of diffusion that substances uses transport proteins to move the substance across the plasma membrane
Facilitated diffusion
............................... are solid at room temperature
Saturated ( مشبع ) fatty acid
what kind of cell is this ?
What is the total magnification if the ocular lens is 10X and the objective lens is 10X ?
A cell was first discovered by
Robert hooke
compound microscope has a maximum magnification of
The cell theory includes three princple what was the first princple
All living organisms are composed of one or more cells
is the secretion of materials through the plasma membrane from inside to outside
the Na+ ions that have been pumped out of the cell can couple with sugar molecules and be transported into the cell
Coupled channel
pump uses the energy to transport three sodium ions out of the cell while moving two potassium ions into the cell
Na+/K+ ATPase pump
the regulation of the internal environment of a cell or organism to maintain conditions suitable for life
Hypo or iso or hypertonic solution ?
........................... means that the concentration of solute in the solution is lower than the cell so the water will enter the cell
Na+/K+ ATPase pump is a part of active or passive transport ?
Active transport
Simple or facilitated diffusion ?
Simple diffusion
T / F active transport require energy
Osmosis is the diffusion of .....................
Active or passive transport ?
Active transport
Hypo , hyper , isotonic solution?
Hypertonic solution
Hypo , hyper , isotonic solution?
Carrier or channel protein ?
Carrier protein