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Major 3 Practice

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How much greater is 489,273 than 185,105?
A rectangle has a length of 4 meters and a width of 7 meters. What is the perimeter of the rectangle in meters?
22 meters
What is the sum of 56,423 + 1,372?
Write a number that is the ten times value of the digit 7 in the number 948,723?
Ex. 327,516
What is 600,000 + 7,000 + 400 + 8 written in word form?
six hundred seven thousand, four hundred eight
What is 354,927 rounded to the nearest thousand?
How many times greater is the value of the digit 6 in 60,000 than the value of the digit 6 in 6,000?
A football team sold 440 tickets to their first game. The team earned $5 for every ticket sold. How much money did the football team earn from the ticket sales?
440 x 5 = 2,200
There are 400 people standing in line for a ride. Each car on the ride holds 8 people. How many cars are needed for all the people standing in line?
400 / 8 = 50
Phil completes 56 / 8 as part of a division pattern. What are the next two quotients in the pattern? 560 / 8? 5,600 / 8?
7, 70, 700
4,200 / 7 = ?
400 / 8 = ?
7 x 1,274 = ?
6 x 72 = ?
A bookshelf has 3 shelves. There are 5 sports books and 18 mystery books on each shelf. How many sports and mystery books are on the bookshelf?
4+18=22, 22x3=66
Draw an area model to show 6 x 402
The local fair had 8,100 people attend over 9 days. If the same number of people attended each day, how many people attended the first day?
Miley has 160 inches of string. She cuts the string into 4-inch pieces. How many pieces of string does Miley cut?
248 x 4
482 x 3