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Gerund or Infinitive?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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kardan kukkumist
I´m afraid of falling
lähme nüüd
let´s go now
neil oleks parem nüüd lõpetada
they had better stop now
ta pani mind õnnelikuna tundma
she made me feel happy
jätka naeratamist
keep on smiling
vihkan jooksmist
I hate running
väldin kirjutamist
I avoid writing
muretsen kooli minemise pärast
I´m worried about going to school
olen hea küpsetamises
I´m good at cooking
on aeg tänada
it´s time to thank
püüdsin kassi kinni püüda
tried to catch the cat
ootan väga sinuga kohtumist
I´m looking forward to meeting you
on lõbus minna puhkusele...
it´s fun going on holiday...
ei suuda taluda kiirustamist
can´t stand rushing
liiga noor, et üksi reisida
too young to travel alone
tahan rääkida
want to tell
kasulik õppida
useful to study