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Parts of Speech-Noun verb articles
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Is this a singular noun or plural noun? Church
What is the plural of mouse?
Is knives a singular noun or plural noun?
Is the highlighted word a common noun or a proper noun: Alia Bhatt is a good actress.
common noun
Is the highlighted word a common noun or a proper noun: Tiger Shroff is a good actor.
Proper noun
How many verbs? He can eat a cake and sing a song.
Use an article: When I dropped ..... apple it fell far away.
Find the verb(s): I just want to stay in my cozy bed all day reading fantasy novels.
want, stay, reading
Find the noun(s): Sometimes, my best friend and I go to the nearby library together.
friend, library
How many articles? An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
3 - an, a, the
Find the verb(s): The tall student jumped over the black and white horse.
Find the noun(s): I baked a delicious cake.