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Class Game for PE 4

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A. Toe touching B. Toe split C. Forward lunge
A. Toe touching
Which one doesn't belong to the group? (Power, Speed, Reaction time, Flexibility)
Give one (1) example of physical activity you do inside home.
walking, jogging, biking, playing
Give three (3) exercises for cardiovascular endurance.
Jogging, Jumping jack, Scissors jump
What exercise is this?
Shoulder stretch
This activity makes you breathe harder and your heart beat faster, as a result, increases heart and lung fitness
This fitness test measures cardiovascular fitness or endurance. A. Curl-ups B. One-minute step test C. Push-ups
B. One-minute step test
A. Scissors jump B. Jogging C. Jumping jack
A. Scissors jump
A. Mountain climber B. Squat thrust C. Walking lunges
C. Walking lunges
What are the two (2) components of Physical Fitness?
Health-Related and Skill-Related Components
This fitness test measures your flexibility or the ability of your body to bend repeatedly without getting injured or damaged.
Sit and Reach
____________ are a set of physical activities or exercises designed to gauge your strength, agility or alertness, and stamina or endurance.
Physical Activity Tests
________ simply means movement of the body that uses energy
Physical Activity/Activities
What do you call with this one?
Give two (2) examples of Health-Related Components
Cardiovascular endurance, Body Composition, Flexibility, Muscular strength, Muscular endurance