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History of China

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In previous question what does : these same rules of conduct" refer to?
The people had obeyed their kings and respected their familes.
How did Confucius believe that China would find true peace and happiness ?
When the people once more followed (these same rules)of conduct.
When did the Yellow Turban Rebellion break out?
In AD 184
What were the Hans proudest of their tradition?
artistic writing
When was Confucius born?
in 551 BC during Zhou Dynasty
What dynasty did Toba,one of the barbarian tribes found?
the Northern Wei Dynasty
What major difficulties did the Early Han face?
invasions by the barbarian Huns and the influence of the imperial consort families
Who founded the Han dynasty?
Han Kao Tsu
Han dynasty was divided into three periods in History.
In whose regin an imperial university was set up ?
Wi Ti's
In AD 9,------------------ set up the new dynasty in China.
Wang Mang
What did Kuang Wi Ti do when became the new ruler of China?
restored peace and order
Hans invented ---------------------,water clocks and the ----------------calendar.
In AD ---------------, Pan Chao , a great diplomat went to the borders of eastern Europe.
After the fall of the later Han, the Chinese Empire remained divided for three and a half centuries.
Who was a remarkable man in China during the Zhou Dynasty?