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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is an example of an untrustworthy (unreliable) source?
Social media, blogs, word of mouth
What is an example of a trustworthy (credible) source?
Textbooks, encyclopedias, government websites, museums
What is 1 skill that we are learning in Global Classrooms?
Research and writing, Public speaking, Learning new vocabulary, Organized debate, Teamwork and leadership, Empathy and knowledge
When will our mock conference for Global Classrooms be?
What is ONE of the 4 main goals of the United Nations?
1) To address the world’s challenges 2) To maintain peace and security 3) To develop friendly relationships between countries 4) To solve international problems
True or False: Chat GPT is a reliable source AND explain why
False: ChatGPT learns from almost all of the text available on the internet, which includes both reliable and unreliable sources
What is Global Classrooms?
A mock UN General Assembly meeting
What does the P in the CRAAP test stand for?
What event caused the UN to be created?
The Second World War
How many countries are in the UN?
Who is the most powerful organization in the UN?
Security council
Which one of these is NOT a UN sustainable development goal: 1) Conserve oceans and seas 2) Sustainably explore space 3) Quality education for all
Sustainably exploring space
Who represents countries in the United Nations?
What type of source would a book written today about the Roman Empire be?
Secondary source
Which type of source would the video of the first moon landing be?
Primary source
What is the final step when doing research?
What is the first step when doing research?
Having a topic or something to research
How can you use research in an argument?
To support your argument
True or False: Research is how you learn more about a topic